Tosaco Energy acquired three onshore Technical Cooperation Permits (TCP’s), TCP 150, TCP 151 and TCP 154, located onshore in South Africa in the Mpumalanga and Gauteng Province.
TCP 150
- Located in the Mpumalanga Province
- Awarded 17 May 2017
- Total area 782.5 km2
TCP 151
- Located in the Mpumalanga and Gauteng Province
- Awarded 17 May 2017
- Total area 240.7 km2
TCP 154
- Located in the Mpumalanga Province
- Awarded 17 May 2017
- Total area 1967.2 km2
- The TCP’s are valid for one year from the date of award following which Tosaco will convert the TCP’s to Exploration Permits (EP’s).
- Once converted the EP’s will have an initial validity period of 3 years with permissible extension periods totalling 6 years
The focus for the acquired TCP’s will be gas targets, specifically sandstone deposits in the Vryheid formation, consisting of sediments deposited in deltaic, shoreline and fluvial systems that entered an inland basin from highlands to the north and northwest.