To be an African independent energy company and partner of choice in the petroleum sector

Company Profile

Tosaco Energy is a privately owned energy company, established in 2016, to operate and participate in energy projects in South Africa and on the African continent. The primary focus and expertise of the company is the oil and gas sector focusing on exploration and production projects. In developing this strategic intent it will also participate in infrastructure development. A secondary focus is the renewable energy sector associated with complimenting gas exploration and development.

Vision and Mission

To be an African independent energy company and partner of choice in the petroleum sector and develop a position in the renewable energy space.

  • Acquire and develop an energy portfolio through the application of its considerable financial and technical experience on the African continent;
  • Be a partner of choice with local and international oil companies;
  • Maximise shareholder value of current assets and projects;
  • Generate cashflow and return to sustain operations;
  • Conduct all business activities in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

Strategic Intent

Oil and Gas


  • South Africa – Operated and non-operated equity positions onshore and offshore.
  • BBBEE partner of choice with local and international oil companies
  • Take advantage of Strategic partnerships.
  • Take advantage of opportunities on the African continent.
  • Strategic focus on gas projects


  • BBBEE partner of choice with local and international oil companies
  • Take advantage of Strategic partnerships.

Renewable Energy

  • BBBEE partner of choice with local and international oil companies in South Africa
  • Take advantage of Strategic partnerships.
  • Develop projects jointly with operators